Chart Your Course at Beyond Security 2023

by Jessica McDowell
7 minutes read

Today, the enterprise networking and cybersecurity market has grown to a $170 billion opportunity and is expected to increase another $100 billion in just the next three years, according to Gartner’s Information Security and Risk Worldwide Forecast. By comparison, that number was just $70 million in 2010, demonstrating the tremendous investment required to protect data and information in today’s world.

That massive market increase is largely in response to the rise of cybercrime activity–the cost of which is expected to hit $8 trillion this year, according to Cybersecurity Ventures.

Between its high price tag and the constantly changing nature of cyber attacks, cybersecurity has not just become one of the biggest IT risks, it is one of the biggest business risks, leaving companies vulnerable and searching for solutions to keep up with emerging threats.

The Response to Cyber Threat Actors

Later this month, TD SYNNEX is bringing together changemakers from the country’s top security and networking organizations for Beyond Security 2023, a conference designed to help our vendor and customer partners navigate the evolving cybersecurity landscape.

Taking place on May 21–24 in Scottsdale, Ariz.,Beyond Security is led by our CyberSolv team, a team that innovates with partners to design, test, and deliver best-of-breed security and networking solutions.

Our team has put together an expert-filled agenda covering critical topics like Ransomware-as-a-service (RaaS) which is exploding in 2023. RaaS is a cybercrime business model between ransomware operators and affiliates in which affiliates pay to launch ransomware attacks developed by operators. RaaS is enabling criminals without deep technical skills to basically make more money because they’re doing this by either extorting ransom for decryption or decryption keys, or by selling stolen data.

We’re looking forward to bringing the industry’s foremost experts together to address issues like this, discuss trends, and help the industry chart its path forward.

The Big Picture

Though the core of the conference will focus on cybersecurity, cybercrime and current security trends, Beyond Security 2023 is about so much more, as its name suggests.

We’re having this conference at a really important time, not only because of the explosion of ransomware but also because of what’s going on in the economy right now.

Today, businesses are actively cutting back their budgets and planning for an uncertain future. Beyond Security 2023 will help attendees contextualize and prioritize their secure networking initiatives amidst today’s economic climate–ultimately helping them figure out how to build the optimal security and networking infrastructure stack for their business.

Additionally, attendees will get access to a keynote from the exceptional Sounil Yu, CISO & Head of Research at JupiterOne, covering the “messiness” of categorization and terminology in the cybersecurity vendor marketplace–and what to do about it. Because of the rapid growth of the enterprise networking and cybersecurity markets, the cybersecurity community does not use consistent terminology, resulting in confusion about what many vendor products actually do.

Yu outlines on his website that “Instead of a clear articulation of a product’s capabilities, we are bombarded with overused, trendy jargon that usually leaves us wondering if the product can really solve any of our problems.”

At Beyond Security 2023, Yu will present his Cyber Defense Matrix, providing attendees with much-needed consistent terminology and a better way to organize security technologies.

Leaving the keynote, vendors and distributors resellers alike will be better able to understand their positions within the cybersecurity market and better able to articulate the value of their products or services.

Why Cybersecurity at TD SYNNEX?

The theme of Beyond Security 2023 is “Chart Your Course”. Our goal is to provide a holistic, comprehensive snapshot of the current enterprise networking and cybersecurity industry.

Equipped with that knowledge, attendees will have the opportunity to customize their conference journey by attending breakout sessions on topics that are particularly relevant to their unique business challenges. Breakout topics will cover everything from enablement to cloud security to the rise of artificial intelligence (and so much more).

As a leading global IT distributor sitting at the center of the IT ecosystem, TD SYNNEX is uniquely positioned to design a conference of this kind. We have a massive network of vendors upstream and customers downstream, providing us with the necessary data points to get an aggregate view of the industry. And, we have the specialized expertise from those same vendors and partners to create more focused, impactful content in workshops and breakout sessions.

We believe this conference is different because we’re able to address look at the market as a whole from an agnostic standpoint and present everything that’s going on right now. This is what you should be caring about. And, this is how you can curate your time at the conference based on what’s important to you.

Beyond Security 2023 will be a space for TD SYNNEX valued partners to network, collaborate, and explore new opportunities with the industry’s best, including Palo Alto, Ruckus, Symantec, Fortinet, Dell, VMWare, Sonicwall, Microsoft, and Google- just to name a few. It will be a time for key members from the enterprise networking and cybersecurity market to problem-solve current problems together–and prepare for an evolving future.

For those that will be in attendance, we can’t wait to see you there! For those unable to attend this year, we’ll be covering Beyond Security 2023 in real-time from our LinkedIn and Instagram accounts.

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